Thursday, September 3, 2009

To do: Get "it" back

After getting my 6-week clearance to start exercising again, I quickly realized there's hardly any time. Not only are the twins now 7 weeks old and starting to require more attention (at the 3-5 week mark this is something I didn't think was possible), but I'm now back at work and doing website QA and marketing strategy until the wee hours of the morning. That said, I think it's important to incorporate exercise where possible into the daily routine for my health and mind - a de-stressed mom (and marketer - my "day job") = a good mom, plus, being on the "fit" side of things gives me more energy to help combat the little sleep I'm getting.

With Lisa here, and a new nanny on board, I've been able to get a 3 mile run in almost daily for the past week which feels SO good. I wrote about the "stinky" side of momhood a while back - the thing is, sweat does a body good (except when not showered off as my husband loves to point out). I've been able to find the time for cardio / my passion (running of course) but I'm still looking for the time/motivation to get "it" back. Running is great for general fitness and for me it's the ideal workout for the mind/body/sole (btw, that's my little hint/preview to a site in development), but running is not ideal for getting rid of the glorious rounded abs introduced by pregnancy and c-section. Introducing, The Tracy Anderson Method Presents Post Pregnancy Workout DVD. I'm not a fan of workout DVDs - just the opposite actually, but I've done this a couple times and it's a killer. When Lis leaves and I lose my morning baby-watcher-so-I-can-run time, I'll start incorporating the DVD into the mix more as I can't yet bring the boys in the BOB so stay in the house workouts will become more needed. I can say in the few short times I've done this workout I can "feel the burn" - literally, it burns using muscles I haven't used in the past two months (in the greatest way).

I don't see myself getting the perfect Madonna or Gweneth body any time soon (although one can dream), but I do hope to get rid of the baby abs my twins and C seem to have left me with.

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