Sunday, February 16, 2014

Love and kicks

It was a rainy, cold, blustery, awesome weekend in Seattle!  During the week we worked with the boys to make 38 hand-made Valentine's cards for their class, and the weekend kicked off with two very sugar high boys after celebrating V-day at school.  They love love ... and I love that.  The boys' V-day party at school wrapped up with a giant group hug consisting of every kid in their class.  Rad.

Matt's parents were here this weekend which was as usual a giant help.  They painted ALL the trim for our basement and then Don helped move furniture.  I'm so happy to have such great fixit in-laws!

Saturday we tried a new adventure with the boys - martial arts!  They got their uniforms and new belts, the trouble wasn't the class at all (that was terrific).  Instead, the trouble was trying to get them to take their uniforms off.  If they could sleep in them and wear them every day to school they would.

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