Sunday, August 19, 2012

Story time

Tonight I asked Wilson and Cole to tell me bedtime stories.  Here they are:

"One upon a time there were three little Thomases."
Me: "And?"
"They had three little eyes."
Me: "And?"
"Three little eyebrows."
Me: "And?"
"Three little lipses."
Me: "And?"
"The end."

"Once upon a time there was a lion and he went raaaar."
Me: "And?"
"Once upon a time he started crying."
Me: "Why?"
"He missed his mommy and daddy."
Me: "And?"
"Then he had a tummy ache."
Me: "And?"
"Someone gave him medicine."
Me: "And?"
"He wasn't crying anymore and he was happy and he walked around and had some friends and one of them had a tummy ache and he gave him medicine and then ..."
Me: "And?"
"The end."

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