Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Lunch runnin'

With a jam packed schedule of (1) wake up, (2) get boys up, (3) make breakfast, (4) make and pack lunches, (5) get boys dressed, (6) get me dressed, and (7) get to work, I don't have much time to jam a run in.  Then, when I get home from work and having another tight schedule of (8) make dinner, (9) convince boys to stop playing, (10) eat dinner, (11) homework (if we're lucky), (12) play games, (13) get boys ready for bed, and (14) read boys stories, evenings again aren't time for a run. 

Hence, the lunchtime run!

I've taken to blocking out at least 1:30 every day to run or workout at the gym.  That's really just 30min to run, and time on the other end to change, shower, and eat.  Thank goodness for showers in my building because today for some reason was a spectacularly humid day so post run I was not in prime shape for meetings (as in addition to mornings and evenings being jam packed, every 30min in between seems to be, too). 

Favorite post-run lunch/snack?  Smoothies!  And loving that it's finally season.  We just got a Juicy Cafe in SLU and my all time fav is spinach, banana, mango, spirulina, and ginger.  Yum!

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