Monday, February 6, 2012

For the love of twins - Mommy Monday

I used to hold Monday's to muse on money saving tips - and I'll come back to that - but today I'm just going to muse on mommy-hood.  Our boys are becoming more lovey, funny, smart, and thoughtful by the minute (and yes, I'm sure all moms say that).  Yesterday when I took them out for a run (then in the stroller) they sang to me and each other the entire way (mainly Ba Ba Black Sheep, but a little Twinkle Twinkle, too).  Today on a drive home, the boys were holding hands singing Wheels on the Bus at the top of their lungs. 

The only problem is now when Wilson is asleep and Cole is not, Cole has taken to yelling "Wilson, WAKE UP!!!" and if nothing happens he yells "Mommy ... Daddy ... I POOPED" knowing this is a trigger word that makes us come running.

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