Monday, May 26, 2014

Weekend roundup: BBQs and waterfalls

Last weekend I was exhausted by the end of the 2-days from chasing the boys.  This weekend after 3-days I'm totally reinvigorated and realizing we need more long weekends, more staycations, and a couple vacations thrown into the mix.  Friday was mellow - going to Oaxaca (where we've gone every Friday for the past 3-years - no joke). 

Saturday we went to the library downtown where the boys raced up and down and then tried out the Olympic club.  The downtown library is beautiful - amazing architecture and room after room of old and new books.  It's quirky, though, as next to the collectible book room is a library section.  Olympic club too is quirky with a posh gym in an old hotel.

Sunday we met up with the boys' friend Jonny from school for a fun playdate.  Most of the time was girls chasing the boys, then the boys chasing the girls ... hm, foreboding I guess.  Saturday evening we had the boys' friend Ella and her twin brothers over for BBQ - unfortunately it started raining just as we wanted to start cooking so we found an overhang for the BBQ.

Today we chased the rainbow and went to the Sammamish waterfalls where we made up our own hike amid blueberry bushes and trees.  The falls were amazing and I can't wait to go back! 

The boys dressed themselves for the hike - Wilson was bummed he couldn't wear his cowboy boots hiking arguing that "cowboys where boots to hike" - but he wore his "pirate shorts" and sweatshirt.  This evening we went to another BBQ at our friend's house just outside of Green Lake.  The weather fairies were on our side and the BBQ was perfect.

All in, a great weekend!  I'm ready for another :)

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