Sunday, October 5, 2014

Pumpkin patch

Today we made our way to Snohomish to hit up The Farm for pumpkins and Halloween fun with our friends.  It was awesome - a perfect way to celebrate kids and the kids inside us grown ups.

We started at the petting zoo where I tried (unsuccessfully) to convince Matt to let me buy a rabbit.  Then we made our way to a giant bouncy zone where the boys went NUTS bouncing.  Jonny's little sister was the cutest sitting near her mommy on the corner feeling the residual bounce.  The boys on the other hand kept trying to figure out ways to fling themselves off the bounce zone.
 After a lot of bouncing, then more bouncing, we made our way through a giant, dark, scary corn maze.  Post-maze, the boys found horse-swings.
 While the kids picnic'd on hot dogs, chips, and fresh made kettle corn, us moms (JoAnn, Mica, and I) snuck off for some quick picks.
We ended the trip with the pumpkin patch where we gathered way too many pumpkins.  The fun part was you could see they were fresh cut off the vine.  
Good times.

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