Twas the weekend before my birthday
And all through the house
Not a twin was un-stirring
Not even a min
The boys were all run
And we calmed them with ease
With a BOB and a run
The energy, appease
OK, long poemstory short, this weekend was rad.
On Saturday we met up with Lisa, Frank, and Lila for some pumpkin picking.
Sunday came a lazy day with two, count 'em TWO runs - much needed! The first was a goodmorning sunshine run with the boys, and the second was all me-time around the lake (in the dumping rain). Sunday afternoon we made enchiladas, and Sunday evening we had a dinner party with my co-worker and his wife.
And now ... it's my birthday! Hurray! I cannot believe I'm 31. Oh boy. I guess at 31 the fun has only just begun? More poetry to round out the day/week/year.