Monday, February 18, 2013

Weekend Roundup toddler social life

What an awesome weekend!  We stayed in Seattle with minimal plans but of course, as weekends do, our plans ballooned.  Saturday morning we rose way too early and I set out for an 8.7mi run while the boys enjoyed pancakes and stories. 

I have a new loop that I'm loving - over the Ballard bridge, up to the Locks, over the Magnolia bridge, back along the water, around the boat canal, up passed SPU, and home.  LOTS of hills, lots of stairs, lots of fun.

Stretched and showered we made our way to Wallingford to the boys' friend's house from school (Ella Bella).  It was fun being back in our old hood - we even all walked up to the playground we used to play at almost daily.

Sunday we woke early and made our way to the Ferry to go to Whidbey Island where we met up with my old college roommate, her husband and his mom, and their amazing little girl.  On the Island, we explored Ames' mom's farm and played with her goat. 

Quick boat-ride, no nap, and a flurry of dinner prep later and we were off to a friend's from work to have dinner with his family (including 5-year old twin girls).  The boys brought out the energy in the girls and they all wound up playing dress up, chasing "monsters," and screaming running up and down stairs.

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