I'm not a big Valentine's Day person. In elementary school it was fun putting big paper bags on the backs of our desks with cutout hearts for Snoopy cards and chalky candy. In high school it was nerve wracking wondering if someone was going to send a candygram to class or not. In college I was with Matt all 4-years, so it was always a "what do we do that's new and amazing this year?" Up until now, my favorite Valentine's Day was one of those college years when I sent Matt a singing telegram - I had a man dressed up as St. Valentine deliver flowers and balloons to Matt in front of the campus market during lunch. Classic.
I have to say, today's Valentine's Day was the best. I had not 1 but 3 Valentines and it was awesome.

This past week has been pretty tough for us - the boys were super sick (Wilson with an ear infection and Cole with a virus that caused a temperature to spike up to 104.4 - I've never been so scared in my life). It was also a very busy week with work, trying to figure out taxes, blah blah blah. We couldn't bring the boys to daycare this week for obvious reasons and lucked out because my mom took a day off work to come help.
BUT, this weekend things turned - Cole's cold is on its way out, and we (begrudgingly) started Wilson on antibiotics - both of them are very much on the mend. Yesterday Matt and I met up with a friend, James, and his twins on top of Russian Hill. Later we bought some gates from another SF Parents of Multiples-er and talked twins and tips which always feels good. Today we decided just to "hang" near the house. During the boys' first nap this morning I stole 45min for a short run. Post boys' brunch and jumparoo time, we made our way down to Washington Square for a terrific brunch - it was funny, the boys just stared at us as we talked life/dreams/goals over pancakes and eggs. The rest of the day was pretty mellow doing laundry (there's always laundry to do) and taxes.

I have to say, my heart has never been so full. I have the three best Valentines.
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