Friday we picked the boys up from daycare and then just stayed mellow at home.
Saturday James, a friend from parents of multiples, texted to see if I wanted to go running with the twins (he has 3-year old twins) - SMS back, "yes!" I did a quick 3-miler on my own and then made it to Chrissy Field to meet James and fam. Unfortunately it was just about to rain so he bowed out - instead we watched the Polar Bear swim (where nutso people put on costumes and then swim in the Bay). Post faux run, the boys and I met up with Matt and Brett (they were climbing on at the climbing gym on Chrissy Field) and the 5 (Brett, Matt, Wilson, Cole, and myself) made our way to Presidio Social Club for brunch. Awesome place by the way!
Saturday night we had high hopes of making it to the Chinese New Year parade, but after the boys skipped both naps we opted out. Instead, we met up with Rob, Emily, and Margarette for drinks and snacks at a wine bar on Green St.
Today was a mellow(ish) day. This morning I procrastinated cleaning (twins + work + everythinginbetween) - our kitchen table did look like a war zone, though, with mail, the boys' tax stuff, prep for making baby food, and more.
During the boys' first nap, I met up with GGRC for a run and surprised myself with a long one. The rest of the day was all centered around helping the boys nap and play time in between.
Feeling rested and great - ready for a terrific week.
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