Saturday, July 31, 2010

And there was applause

I've said this before, but I find it to be true even more now - after having twins it's as if I only exist from the shoulders down (or whatever happens to be cresting the top of where the boys stand or sit).  And you know what?  I kind of dig it.  My beauty routine is wash, brush, gloss and go.

Tonight we went to dinner with a friend and his son (who goes to daycare with our boys) at the party hour of 5:30pm (blue plate special applies to oldies and parents).  At the dinner table we heard applause - suspecting a sports game on TV we started looking around to see who touched down/scored/home ran (?)/whatever.  Then we saw the applause was for our boys - Cole and Wilson were waving madly at a table of girls next to us and the girls were clapping and cooing back. Weirdly enough, walking out of the restaurant we again happened on a group of applauders cheering the boys' roll (our walk, their stroller roll) up the street.  Strange ...  but whatever - yay.

1 comment:

Lucy Autrey Wilson said...

I always feel like applauding when I see the twins also. They are so fine!