Sunday, June 21, 2009

Infant CPR

Yesterday my dad and I took an infant CPR class and I'm so glad we did! I took CPR in high school but hardly remember anything and it was adult CPR. Here are the basics:

Choking hazards:
  • Hot dogs
  • Grapes
  • Popcorn
  • Small toys - anything that can fit through a roll of toilet paper
  • More!
Steps for CPR:
  • Is the scene safe? If yes:
  • Is the baby responsive?
If yes - help for choking:
  • Hold face down (hold the head but don't cover the face)
  • 5 slaps to the back (surprisingly harder than you think you would need to for a baby)
  • Turn over - still holding with head towards the ground
  • 5 pushes to the front near the breast bone with 2 fingers (3 for a petite woman or if holding a big baby)
If no (baby is unresponsive):
  • Yell for help! Tell someone to call 911 and come back
  • Check to see if the airway is open
  • Check to see if the baby is breathing (look, listen, feel)
If yes (baby is breathing):
  • Turn on side and monitor
If no (baby is not breathing):
  • 2 breaths covering mouth and nose (if it's an older child, hold the nose)
  • 30 pushes to the front near the breast bone with 2 fingers (3 for a petite woman or if holding a big baby)
  • Repeat for 5 cycles before calling 911 if alone
Here's the clincher - it may feel awkward giving an infant CPR or applying so much pressure, BUT, if the heart stops there are only 4 minutes before the infant will get brain damage. It's better to do something and potentially break a rib (bones can heal) than to do nothing.

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