Wednesday, April 29, 2009

27 weeks pregnant with twins and stretching

As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm trying to get more into yoga as I think it will help my brain and body in the homestretch of pregnancy. I'm now 27-weeks pregnant and loving it! I still have a ton of energy which I need to channel into setting up the nursery and cleaning the house.

Here are the latest from the commenters...

Man: "You're big! When are you due?"
Me: "End of July / beginning of August."
Man: "Whoa..."
Me: "Twins"
Man: "Wow, you're going to be GIANT! These next two months will be pretty miserable for you."

Man: "Hey lumpy!"
(side note - lumpy?!)

Me: "You'll never guess what people said to me recently!"
Man: "What?"
Me: recounting the conversation above and "lumpy"
Man: "Well ... people are weird."
Me: "I should have said: at least I have an excuse. But I'm bigger than that - I was just polite knowing I'd blog and vent later."
Man: "You sure are ... bigger than that! Haha."

OK, I'm starting to come around and see the humor. Besides, with the bigger belly I do get kicks and somersaults, squirms and stretches, and poky heads (the boys are curious, I can tell - they keep poking their heads out to hear what's going on).

Per Baby Center, here's what's going on in there:
Now that you're approaching the final stage of pregnancy - your third trimester - your baby is really starting to grow and fill the available space in your uterus. She can now open and close her eyes, sleeps and wakes at regular intervals, and may suck a finger or thumb. Although they're still immature, your baby's lungs will function with some medical help, if she's born prematurely.

1 comment:

Chic Geek said...

Amber, you look great! Not huge at all! And you are so thin everywhere else! Something to aspire too (except the twins part, I'm happy experiencing that vicariously).