Thursday, January 29, 2009

Take it and Run Thursday: Running Through Transitions

Every week, a great running networking site posts a topic for "Take it and Run Thursday" - this week, it's "Running Through Transitions." This is my first week actually writing on the topic because it resonated so well when I read it.

To me transition means change. It means having to be flexible and not insisting on the norm or comfort zone(s) because these don't exist anymore. Transition means giving up some things and gaining others - usually, transitions are a good thing. I think.

We have a few transitions coming up:
  • My company is working through the economic roller coaster
  • Matt and I are moving - initially we had slated February 26th but the girl who wants to take over our current apartment is living in a hotel until we move out, so the new move date? February 13th - it's going to be a busy two weeks!
  • I just became an "Ambassador" for my favorite clothing company - this means I'm going to be in some of their posters and postcards ... the catch? The photo shoot is in a week or two - I'll be 15-16 weeks pregnant and looking more like a before picture than a fitness icon. But the truth? I'll be a mommy-to-be on the run - and that makes me happy.
  • Most important, we're pregnant with TWINS! (side note, we learned what the nurse thinks their sexes are today - but it's super top secret until confirmed)
So what does running have to do with it? I run because I can. I run because it makes me feel good. I run because it makes transitions a lot easier. Work stress? Go for a job. Moving stress and OD'ing from packing? Some hill sprints are in order. Ambassador? Well, I run, therefore I can spandex. TWINS?! That one we'll see - running is certainly helping me think through this pregnancy - it's my time to be alone and I don't think I'm going to get much alone time in a few months.

Running through transitions means breathing, reflecting or just turning your brain off, and getting through the transition to the finish line - the change. Running through means beating the obstacles and enjoying the end result. Running through transitions means changing pace when needed - slowing down to catch breath and take in views.

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